Retrofitting Price List || Seismic Valve Price List
Retrofitting Price List
City of Los Angeles
January 1st, 2024
RETROFITTING & Seismic Gas Shutoff Valves – CSL # 311690 C-36, C-16, C-4, C-20
1. Retrofitting Inspections
a. add $25.00 for each additional unit
b. Reinspection Fee (work done by others)
1/2 of original inspection fee
c. Large Home over 5k sqft Inspection
2. DWP Certificate of Compliance
a. Single Family Dwelling/Duplex/Condo
3. Bathrooms
a. Standard 12” Low Flush Toilet w/ installation. (Price for City of LA only)
b. 10” & 14” Low Flush Toilet w/ installation. (Price for City of LA only)
Starting at $429.00
c. Showerheads
d. Toilet water line
e. Ultra Low Flush Sloan Valve with Bowl
4. Smoke Alarms
a. 10 year Lithium Battery operated Smoke Detector
b. Replacement of Hard Wire Smoke Alarm
c. Installation of New Hard Wire New Smoke Alarm
starting at $199.00
5. Co Alarms
a. Carbon Monoxide Alarm
b. 10 year Battery Operated Combo
c. Hardwire Combo Replacement
starting at $99.00
d. Hardwire New Combo
6. Water Heater
a. Double Safety Straps w/ installation up to 75 gal.
b. Pressure Relief Valve w/ installation
starting at $75.00
c. Installation of Drain Pipe
starting at $75.00
7. Window Glazing
a. Standard and Non-Standard Size Door
starting at $189.00
8. *Seismic Gas Shutoff Valve w/ permit if required.* (City of Los Angeles)
a. 3/4” – 1 1/4” standard meter located outside next to home.
b. 1 1/4” high flow for large home
c. Meters under the home, in curbs, covered in bushes etc.
starting at $549.00
d. Field sets / seismic valve braced to posts
starting at $899.00
LA County
*City of Beverly Hills, Culver & Long Beach
City of Santa Monica
Orange & Ventura County
Riverside & San Bernardino County
*City of Palm Springs & Desert Communities
Kern, Santa Barbara & San Diego County
*City of Malibu
Non-Standard Seismic Valve installations in LA County
City of Beverly Hills, Culver, Long Beach, Orange County, Ventura County, Riverside County & San Bernardino County
ADD $100.00 to prices below.
City of Santa Monica, Palm Springs, Desert Communities, Kern County, Santa Barbara & San Diego County
ADD $250.00 to prices below.
City of Beverly Hills, Culver, Long Beach, Orange County, Ventura County, Riverside County & San Bernardino County
ADD $100.00 to prices below.
City of Santa Monica, Palm Springs, Desert Communities, Kern County, Santa Barbara & San Diego County
ADD $250.00 to prices below.
1 1/4” High Flow Standard Install
Meter Under Install
$529.00 starting
Field Set w/Post
$749.00 starting
Meter in Curb w/riser
$529.00 starting
Meter in Curb w/no riser
1 1/2” Install
$699.00 starting
2” Install
$899.00 starting
1 1/2” Field Set w/Post
$899.00 starting
2” Field Set w/Post
$1199.00 starting